Lowongan Banyak Posisi Jakarta November 2024

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Meratus ialah perusahaan angkutan laut Indonesia yang menawarkan layanan transportasi “point-to-point”. Jaringan rute pengiriman kapal-kapal Meratus menghubungkan pelabuhan-pelabuhan utama dan pelabuhan-pelabuhan perdagangan antar-pulau di Nusantara. Daerah ini meliputi sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia dan dilengkapi dengan cabang kantor di setiap pelabuhan. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan, Meratus mengutamakan keselamatan, kualitas, dan fokus pada kebutuhan pelanggan (safety, quality and customer focus). Berdiri pada tahun 1957, Meratus telah tumbuh dan sekarang hadir dalam berbagai bidang usaha di sektor pelayaran dan transportasi.

Pada bulan November 2024, PT Meratus Line & Group mengumumkan lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap mengisi posisi jabatan yang tersedia. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat terbaik sesuai dengan persyaratan dan sesuai untuk jabatan yang tersedia.

Berikut ini adalah jabatan yang sedang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasi saat ini bagi para pencari kerja yang ingin mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Meratus Line & Group Tahun 2024
1. MSP (Meratus Star Program) – Finance
Deskripsi :
  • 1 tahun pelatihan (termasuk Pembelajaran Online, Pelatihan Kerja, Pembahasan tentang Bisnis, Penyelesaian 8 Evaluasi Proyek)
  • 2 tahun penugasan sebagai Business Controller / level Manajerial di bidang Finance
  • Status kerja akan dievaluasi dalam 12 bulan
Persyaratan :
  • Minimal lulusan S1, S2 Ekonomi, Manajemen Keuangan & Investasi, Perbankan dari universitas terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3.5.
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun.
  • Jobstreet English Test result minimum 30.
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Finance Specialist dalam bidang Investasi, Merger & Akuisisi, atau posisi yang sama di industri terkait.
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Surabaya.
  • Lancar berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
2. MSP (Meratus Star Program) – Ship Management
Description :
  • It is a career development program for seafarers who want to work in the office/shore.
  • The program duration is 24 months, where participants will undergo a 6-month development activity rotation in the office and 6 months on-board sailing.
  • The development program focuses on skills and competencies for managing the technical and operational aspects of a ship.
  • This includes overseeing maintenance, repairs, and ensuring compliance with maritime safety and environmental laws. They also coordinate with various stakeholders such as crew, ship owners, and regulatory bodies.
  • Evaluation will be carried out every 6 months.
  • Participants who have successfully completed the program duration will be placed to work full time in the office as a Technical Superintendent or Marine Superintendent.
Requirements :
  • Minimum graduate of ANT II / ATT II, sailing experience with the last position as Chief Officer or 2nd Engineer.
  • Age maximum 30 years old.
  • Jobstreet English Test result minimum 30.
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written.
3. Customer Service International (Jakarta), Account Receivable Officer (Surabaya), & Legal Officer (Surabaya)
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree from related major.
  • Having at least basic knowledge of Logistic / Shipping industry.
  • Good in Microsoft Excel & Power Point and also any kind of data analyzing tools.
  • Good English.
  • Ready to be placement at surabaya (3-6 months) and willing to be placement at Jakarta.
  • Fluent in English both speaking 8 writing is a must.
a. Customer Service International (Jakarta)
  • Responsible for managing customer interactions and handling the documentation related to international logistics operations (AMS and ISF experience will be prioritized).
  • Serve as the primary point of contact for customers regarding international shipments.
  • Identify and resolve issues related to international shipments, such as delays, discrepancies, or documentation errors, and also work with relevant parties to find solutions and mitigate impact.
b. Account Receivable Officer (Surabaya)
  • Assessing Credit Risk: Evaluating the creditworthiness of potential customers by analyzing their financial statements, credit history, and payment behavior.
  • Setting Credit Limits: Determining appropriate credit limits for customers based on their credit profiles and the company’s risk tolerance.
  • Credit Policy Development: Assisting in the creation and implementation of credit policies and procedures to manage risk and ensure consistent credit practices across the organization.
  • Reporting: Preparing regular reports on credit risk exposure, outstanding receivables, and collection efforts for management review.
  • Continuous Improvement Enhancing accounts receivable processes by optimizing workflows through continuous process improvement, automation, and digital transformation.
c. Legal Officer (Surabaya)
  • Reviewing Agreements.
  • Providing a Legal Opinion on a legal matter.
  • Assist in the management of company establishment and amendments to the companyls Articles of Association.
4. Master, Chief Engineering, & Electrician
a. Master
  • Holding ANT I Certificate.
  • Holding Valid Certificates.
  • Maximum Age 50 Years.
  • Valid Passport and Seaman book Minimum 18 Months.
  • Experience in Container Vessel With Same Position Minimum 2.
  • Years with Minimum GRT 3,000.
  • Holding Valid Medical Check Up Minimum 1 Year.
b. Chief Engineering
  • Holding ATT I Certificate
  • Holding Valid Certificate
  • Maximum Age 50 Years
  • Valid Passport and Seamanbook Minimum 18 Months
  • Experience in Container Vessel With Same Position Minimum 3 Years, with minimum KW 2,000
  • Holding Valid Medical Check Up Minimum 1 Year
  • Experience With 2 Stroke Type
c. Electrician
  • Holding Minimum Electricity Certificate From Technical Engineering School / Diploma Electricity.
  • Holding Valid Certificates.
  • Maximum Age 40 Years.
  • Valid Passport and Seaman book Minimum 18 Months.
  • Experience in Container Vessel With Same Position Minimum 1 Year.
  • Holding Valid Medical Check Up Minimum 1 Year.
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut:
Subject email: Posisi yang dilamar_Nama

To apply for this job please visit meratus.com .

Lowongan Kerja atau Rekrutmen ini Tidak dikenakan Biaya Apapun, Terima Kasih